Yelling is NOT Announcing!

As a Professional Announcer, you need to know right now which you're doing!

Many of those who consider themselves a professional Announcer aren’t always actually announcing... what they're technically doing, at least at times, is just yelling into those microphones.

In this ten (10) minute Audio Tutorial [mp3], we will address the specific topic of HOW TO identify when an Announcer is YELLING AT their audience vs ANNOUNCING TO them. 

You must make the time for this exercise in self-awareness, and ask yourself this basic question TODAY.

It's critical for any Announcer to discover for themselves what they're really doing behind that microphone... before their clients do.

Once you've studied this Digital Download...

you will know unequivocally WHEN you are just Yelling during your performances.

If you put in the time afterwards to practice what is identified in this Digital Download, you will dramatically improve your delivery! How? By substantially reducing the likelihood that you'll be Yelling AT your audience at any point during your announcing.

Download now and get started!